Beer Me Bro' Defined

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keys To Success

A common misconception about drinking beer is that you should only do it on Friday and Saturday nights. However, after being in college for four years I can attest that some of my best nights out were in fact mid week! Just because you have an 8am class or work at 6 doesn't mean you have to forfeit a good time until the weekend my friends. There are a few helpful hints into getting out of bed and ready to start your day off right. My first piece of advice, start early, start often. Don't wait until 10pm to start your drinking! Science proves that alcohol will still be in your system in the morning if you begin your night a little too late. Next, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! I can't over emphasize the importance of starting your night out well hydrated. This alone can make or break your morning. The famous saying rings true, you have to rehydrate, before you can dehydrate. If your really on a bender, make sure to drink a Gatorade before bed and try to mix in a few glasses of water throughout the night. Drinking a sports drink before drinking beer can also prove to combat hangovers. On a side note, try to give yourself a solid 6-8 hours to sleep off the booze and you'll be ready to hit it hard in the morning. A few common strategies in the morning I have learned is to make sure the night before that you set out everything you need in the morning. Set the coffee maker so that you'll be able to wake up to a nice hot brew. Make sure that in the morning you take a shower and alternate from hot to cold water and back. This should help wake you up and get you ready to go. Finally, avoid sugary drinks. They may be fun, cute, tasty, and also the prime cause of massive hang overs. Follow these steps and your mornings will be a breeze! Drink more beer, reduce hangovers, and get more done the next day! 

-Justin Whitman 


  1. Some of this stuff has actually saved me in the past. Your advice about the Gatorade - totally helps. Thanks for the awesome advice RJ!

  2. Nice list of steps. You can improve your Google search result though if you structure your post with headlines and use labels. Right now it's kinda hard to read to just one paragraph.

  3. Good post Justin. Why would you be drinking if you need to be up early? Have you heard of taking shot when you wake up?
